Lesson Plan Topic: More than the Super Bowl.


Lesson Plan Topic: More than the Super Bowl: Concussions in football

Objective: Students will research the concussions in youth and professional football and

Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.1; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.2

**Standards retrieved from http://www.corestandards.org

Preface/Teacher Notes: With the Super Bowl just days away, the focus is likely on Tom Brady, the halftime show, who will be the MVP, which team is better, etc. However, the Super Bowl is a great time to highlight the impact that concussions have had on the sport both in a youth setting and on a national level. Through this lesson, students will gain a deeper understanding of the science behind concussions and what is done to prevent/treat them.

Essential Question (s): What changes have been made over the last 10-20 years in concussion treatment, prevention, and research? Is there a rise in concussions or is the topic being given more attention than in the past? Are the preventative measures and treatments in place effective?

**Students will use the More than the Super Bowl: Concussions in football collection!

Step 1: Students will research causes, symptoms, and effects of concussions and how each varies with age.

Step 2: Students will study the trends and statistics of concussions and their severity over the last 10-20 years. They will also look at the changes in preventative measures and treatment during that time frame.

Step 3 (tying it all together): Students will present the following to the class:

-A brief explanation of the causes, symptoms, and effects of concussions and how each varies with age.

-Findings detailing the trends and statistics of concussions and their severity over the last 10-20 years.

-Observations of the changes in preventative measures and treatment during that time frame to present day.

-Their thoughts and conclusions on the essential questions.

Students can present the information to their peers using the following suggestions:



-Oral presentation with visual aid
Bonus: Based off of their research, students will outline their own concussion plan outlining procedures and policy geared toward either youth football, high school, college, or the NFL.
